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To see the image in full screen - click on the image and then on the expand button.
To see the image in full screen - click on the image and then on the expand button.
To see the image in full screen - click on the image and then on the expand button.
18 min | HD | Colour | 16:9 | 2019 | Fiction
Production: Benjamin Chimoy
Director: Benjamin Chimoy | Editor: Anastasya Stolyarov | Choreography: William Sánchez H. | DOP: Maurice Wilkerling, Alex Hill | Sound: Gabriel Reyna I Music: Ilya Selikhov
Festivals: Riurau Film Festival 2020, KINÉ Muestra Internacional de Cortometrajes 2020, Picknic Film Festival 2020, Inspired Dance Film Festival Australia 2020, ribalta experimental film festival 2020, Festival de Cine Independiente en el Occidente de México MIAX 2020
The word "KALA" comes from Sanskrit and means "time". KALA goes beyond its connection to the theme of time and moves toward definition of new aesthetics dissolving conventional ideas and patterns of thinking that exist about the body of a dancer.